The NME announces that the “Oh Boy!” series has been extended a further 3 months to run until the end of March 1959 and that Tommy Steele had been booked to appear on the 1st November show:
"Oh Boy!" is a hit! It has been booked to continue until at least next March. And next week the show presents the first TV appearance of Tommy Steele for four months. Contracts are not yet signed, but Tommy has agreed to appear on the show next Saturday if he can fit in the date with his other commitments, which are not expected to provide dificulties. He had not planned any more television appearances this year, but agreed to do the show for Jack Good. Steele appeared in the early '6.5 Special' programme, which Good originated. They carried both singer and show to a peak wave of success.
Good is also hoping to use an American singer in future "Oh Boy!" programmes. She is Edna McGriff, who was unknown here until the beginning of March, when her first records were released by the Gala low-price label. She has quickly established herself as the labels principal artist and Gala chief Monty Lewis is planning to bring her to Britain for TV and other dates. Exact time of her visit cannot be arranged as she has just had a baby. "I certainly hope to get her for "Oh Boy!" as soon as she can come over," Good told the NME.
Both developments came at the same time as ABC-TV decided to extend the run of the programme. Due to end on December 6, the company has booked it for at least thirteen more weeks. It will continue to be seen on the entire ITV network at 6p.m. on Saturdays, but the producer has not yet had time to consider any possible cast changes for the extended period. Making a TV debut in tomorrow's show is Tony Scott's Cha-Cha Band, appearing with Don Lang, making his second showing on the programme.
Cliff Richard returns tomorrow after his absence last week, when a conflict of dates meant he had to appear at a York concert instead. The surprise deputy was Terry Dene who rehearsed and appeared in the show within 24 hours of being asked.